For Debbie
A unique Stained Glass Bouquet including Foxglove, Quince, Sweet Pea and Foliage. Secured together along the stems to make a wall hanging measuring no wider than 300mm.
To be made and sent in June.
Deposit amount - 162.50
Remaining balance - 162.50 plus postage £6
A unique Stained Glass Bouquet including Foxglove, Quince, Sweet Pea and Foliage. Secured together along the stems to make a wall hanging measuring no wider than 300mm.
To be made and sent in June.
Deposit amount - 162.50
Remaining balance - 162.50 plus postage £6
A unique Stained Glass Bouquet including Foxglove, Quince, Sweet Pea and Foliage. Secured together along the stems to make a wall hanging measuring no wider than 300mm.
To be made and sent in June.
Deposit amount - 162.50
Remaining balance - 162.50 plus postage £6